Dear fellow adventurers and cycling enthusiasts,

Are you tired of your boring daily routine? Do you yearn for an adventure that will bring excitement, adrenaline, and a sense of achievement? Look no further, my friends, for I have the ultimate solution – an around the world cycling adventure!

Now, I know what you may be thinking – “But cycling for months on end? Won’t my behind hurt? What if I get lost in the middle of nowhere?” But fear not, my fellow adventurers, because I am here to tell you that the benefits far outweigh the challenges. Here’s the thing about fully loaded touring: it takes brass balls to succeed. And when I say “brass,” I mean steelier than Dwayne Johnson’s glutes. Mountains? Pfft, bring ’em on. Climbing for hours with a load big enough to rival Mr. Tickle? Cakewalk, right? NOT. Let’s get real – the struggle is very much real, folks. Sweating buckets, grunting like a pig in heat, wishing death upon all humans and their cursed contraptions called cars.

Firstly, think about the bragging rights you’ll have once you complete this journey. When you return from your trip, people will be in awe of you. You’ll be able to hold your head high and say, “Oh, that? That was just a casual ride around the world.”

Secondly, this trip is a fantastic opportunity to see the world in a way that most people never will. You’ll cycle through breathtaking landscapes, meet interesting people, and learn about different cultures. Getting out of England and reaching far away mystical places.

Thirdly, think of the exercise you’ll be getting. No more mundane gym sessions – you’ll be toning your legs, abs, and arms while exploring the world. Plus, you’ll have a killer tan that you can show off to all your friends back home.

Now, I know that this journey won’t be easy. You’ll face roadblocks, literally and figuratively. But isn’t that the thrilling part? Overcoming challenges, conquering fears, and achieving your goals are what make this adventure worth it.

So, let’s set off on this journey together, my fellow adventurers. Let’s pack our bags, strap on our helmets, and say goodbye to the monotony of everyday life. Let’s take on the world, one pedal stroke at a time. And if nothing else, at least we won’t have to worry about traffic jams!

A fellow adventurer.

FIRST LEG OF MY JOURNEY: From Blighty to Turky by 🚲 

- Departure date: 8 June 2023
- Arrival date: 10 November 2023
- Total distance: 3,500 miles
- Countries visited: England, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Albania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey
- Bike: Surly LHT, named Ulysses
- Gear: Sleeping bag, tent, stove, clothes, electronics, common sense, axe
- Anticipated highlights: Camping in the Black Forest, crossing the Danube by ferry, meeting friendly shepherds and their dogs in Romania, trekking in the Carpathian mountains, visiting Istanbul and its mosques and bazaars
- Anticipated challenges: Flat tires, bad weather, language barriers, border controls, hostile dogs, thieves, illness
- Impressions: A rewarding and eye-opening journey through diverse landscapes and cultures. A test of endurance and resilience. A chance to connect with ordinary people and learn from their stories. A celebration of pedal power and freedom.

Here’s a quote from one of my role models called Alastair Humphreys: “It is a greedy, ungrateful risk to give up everything that makes you happy in the hope that you can find something better. ⁠

You risk not finding it. You risk finding it and then never being satisfied again, always yearning for more. ⁠

But I was looking for experiences that nothing, not the dimming light of old age nor financial ruin, could take away from me. ⁠

Uncertain travel held an appeal for me, a luring magic, an intoxicating release from conventional bonds, a chance for self-testing and self-discovery, and the rushing joy of being alive that I rarely felt at home. ⁠

I chose to leave everything behind: the wasted opportunities, the shiny things I had spent money on and the expectations of conventional living: the race to get a bigger house, bigger car, bigger gravestone. ⁠

I would have no home, no appointments, no deadlines, no career, no beautiful possessions, no weekend hobbies, no mortgage, no bills, no commute. ⁠

I would have everything I wanted. ⁠

I wanted to raise my arms and stare in wonder over waves of hazy blue mountains. I wanted to wake in my sleeping bag in the desert as the sun rose between my toes. To shiver in a frost-rimed tent is to truly appreciate the next warm duvet. A parched desert teaches gratitude for running water. ⁠

Clarion calls to be alive and to treasure life.” – Thunder and Sunshine (his second book about cycling round the world, which includes riding through Siberia in winter)⁠

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.  This ancient Celtic prayer seems to have been invented for cyclists!

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Starting early summer

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Four wheels move the body

but two wheels move the soul.”

Gilda Texter

(from the film Vanishing Point)